Rank Username Nickname Motto Accepted AC Ratio
26 the_coding_pooh coding_pooh 54 65.3% (145/222)
27 temmie temmie 53 44.2% (133/301)
28 iantsai iantsai 50 55.9% (496/888)
29 fatman fatman 49 68.9% (115/167)
30 wiwiho wiwiho 48 52.8% (56/106)
31 anemois Anemois
48 37.3% (75/201)
32 prairie2022 prairie2022 47 55.9% (66/118)
33 harrisyu9696 harrisyu 46 65.7% (69/105)
34 whale_island1 whaleisland 46 33.3% (54/162)
35 mushroom mushroom 44 61.4% (54/88)
36 chrislaiisme climX
42 37.9% (96/253)
37 tianyaochiun tian 40 43.6% (41/94)
38 baluteshih baluteshih 39 69.9% (65/93)
39 clown 我要學王以安在這裡打心得
38 48.1% (50/104)
40 andy8787 Andy8787 37 71.7% (38/53)
41 sorahisa 拉菲好可愛 >////<
36 71.7% (43/60)
42 koukirocks koukirocks 35 70.6% (36/51)
43 weakweakweak 從來不覺得打競程開心過
am I retarted?
33 61.4% (35/57)
44 script_kidd script_kidd 33 58.6% (41/70)
45 puchi P 33 53.0% (35/66)
46 colten Colten
今年學員好像沒有比我老的 : ( 希望可以多一點人來南區資訊之芽 : D
32 79.9% (386/483)
47 pring pring 32 62.1% (36/58)
48 hung hung 32 28.3% (34/120)
49 william Williamm 31 63.6% (35/55)
50 tingpeng1055 hxppythxught
Being intimate with yourself... Finding new horizons... And having fun!
31 62.5% (495/792)