

User's AC Ratio

80.0% (16/20)

Submission's AC Ratio

57.9% (22/38)





以下是小明所撰寫的程式,不過當中出了一點小錯誤,你可以在 edit distance 4 以內幫他修正成正確的程式嗎?

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define point complex<double>
#define e exp(-20)
// eps = e^ -20 ~= 2e-9
using namespace std;

// circle with radius r intersects line ax + by + c = 0
vector<point> circIntersectLine(double x, double y, double r, double a, double b, double c) {
    double f = (a * x + b * y + c), n = a * a + b * b;
    point p(x - f / n * a, y - f / n * b);
    double d = r * r - f * f / n;
    if (abs(d) < 1e-9)
        return {p};
    else if (d < 0)
        return {};
    else {
        double t = sqrt(d / n);
        return {p - point(-b, a) * t, p + point(-b, a) * t};

vector<point> circIntersectCirc(double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1) {
    return circIntersectLine(x0, y0, r0, 2 * (x1 - x0), 2 * (y1 - y0), x0 * x0 - x1 * x1 + y0 * y0 - y1 * y1 - r0 * r0 + r1 * r1);

pair<double, double> convert(point p) {
    return make_pair(p.real(), p.imag());

int n, x[3], y[3], r[3];
vector<point> v;

signed main() {
    cin >> n;
    int cc = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cin >> x[i] >> y[i] >> r[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
            auto u = circIntersectCirc(x[i], y[i], r[i], x[j], y[j], r[j]);
            if (!u.empty())
                cc = max(1, cc - 1);
            for (auto p : u)

    sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto p, auto q){
        return convert(p) < convert(q);});

    v.resize(unique(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto p, auto q)
                    { return norm(p - q) < 1e-9; }) -

    int E = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int cnt = 0;
        for (auto p : v)
            if (abs(norm(p - point(x[i], y[i])) - r[i] * r[i]) < 1e-9)

        E += cnt;
    // V - E + F = cc + 1
    cout << cc - v.size() + E + 1 << '\n';

Input Format

輸入的第一行有一個整數 n (1n3) 代表圓形的數量。

接下來有 n 行,每行有空白分開的三個整數 x,y,r (10x,y10,1r10),代表這個圓的中心在平面上的 (x,y) 且半徑為 r


Output Format


Sample Input 1

0 0 1
2 0 1
4 0 1

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

0 0 2
3 0 2
6 0 2

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

0 0 2
2 0 2
1 1 2

Sample Output 3



Problem Source

IOICamp 2024 Day1 pP


No. Testdata Range Constraints Score
1 0~3 範例測資 0
2 0~133 無額外限制 150

Testdata and Limits

No. Time Limit (ms) Memory Limit (VSS, KiB) Output Limit (KiB) Subtasks
0 100 262144 65536 1 2
1 100 262144 65536 1 2
2 100 262144 65536 1 2
3 100 262144 65536 1 2
4 100 262144 65536 2
5 100 262144 65536 2
6 100 262144 65536 2
7 100 262144 65536 2
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